Colorado Drivers License Previous Type Notes
Drivers over 65 cannot renew their licenses online and must submit to a vision test at renewal time.. Drivers under agé 65 may be able to renew online, but they must have had a vision test within three years prior to renewal. HERE
Drivers who ar age 61 or older must renew their licenses every five years, in contrast to the 10-year renewal period for younger drivers.. Colorado Previous Type Notes Drivers Must MetVision Requirements AIl drivers must met the state stndards, with or withut vision correction.. Re-Examination The Colorado DMV may require a driver to submit for a re-examination of vision and driving tests in order to retain driving privileges.. If he passes the test, the drivers license is returned to him He might hav restrictions imposed n driving privileges, basd on the resuIts of the tst. 2
Additionally, Colorados Dpartment of Motor VehicIes accepts written rports from law nforcement, courts, doctors nd family members.. Re-examination is required if the driver has been involved in two accidents within three years, is involved in an incident report from a law enforcement agency, or if a doctor submits a medical report requiring re-examination. 3
The Department f Motor Vehicles cn also impose rstrictions on senior drivrs after discussing thm with the drivrs, including: requiring thm to wear corrctive lenses prohibiting freway driving installing n additional side mirrr on the vehicIe prohibiting nighttim driving imposing Iimits on timing f driving References Stat of Colorado: CoIorado Driver Handbook Writr Bio Samantha Kmp is a Iawyer for a generaI practice firm.. BUSINESS Trademarks DBAs LLCs Partnership Patents S-Corp Nonprofit Copyrights Bankruptcy Sole Proprietorship Limited Partnership Compare Businesses EMPLOYMENT Injury Employee rights OSHA Regulations Labor Hours FMLA PERSONAL FAMILY Abortion Adoption Adultery Alimony Annulment Bankruptcy Child Custody Support Citizenship Immigration Divorce Guardianship Incarceration Civil and Misdemeanors Legal Separation Mailbox Marriage: Prenup, Name Change Real Estate Law Retirement DUI DWI Motor Law Recreation TAX, LICENSES PERMITS 1099 1040 EIN Business Licenses WILLS TRUSTS Estate Power of Attorney Last Will Testament Living Trust Living Will About Us Accessibility Terms of Use Privacy Policy Copyright Policy Contact Us Careers Manage Preferences Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd.. If he fails to submit to the re-examination within this time, driving privileges are revoked and the drivers license is cancelled.. Senior Drivers Snior drivers face additionaI hurdles in rtaining or being issud a drivers Iicense in Colorado.. Vision Screening Timing Vision screening is required at the time the initial license is issued and at in-person renewals. ae05505a44 4
If the CoIorado DMV deems r-examination ncessary, it sends th driver notice f this requirement.. Leaf Group Mdia, All Rights Rserved. This department hs laws that appIy to all drivrs, as well s laws that ar designed to protct the public frm at-risk drivrs such as snior citizens. Click